Chester Racecourse, what a trip..

Chester Racecourse, what a trip..

Today’s post is not intended to show off or anything like that, you should know by now im not the showy type, i prefer to keep my head down and simply crack on. Todays post and photo gallery is to hopefully encourage some of you to visit the racecourse on a more regular basis. Even[……]

Back Breaking Selections

Back Breaking Selections

Im all packed im ready to go, the taxi’s waiting outside the door.. Why i hear you all ask, has the missus thrown you out..!! Well ive planned a trip a few weeks ago to visit Chester racecourse for the City Plate. You really can’t beat attending a race course and just soaking up the atmosphere.[……]

The Complete Racing System..

The Complete Racing System..

No system you work on is ever truly complete. Where do we start with this one, well because racing is a constantly ever changing dynamic then we need to be able to adapt with it. With so many variants competing with each other and with new methods and ways to be able to predict winners[……]