Chester, Ripon, Winners, Giggles, & Guide Dogs

Chester, Ripon, Winners, Giggles, & Guide Dogs

  Last week I attended Chester Races, as I do every year. I’ve also just go back from the Annual Race Trip from Ripon with the lads, ‘dear me’ more on that later, back to Chester for now. Well events at Chester didn’t get off to the best of starts as someone crashed into my car, lucky not to bad and still drivable, no one was hurt and the bloke admitted liability, which he later revoked once he called his insurance company. At Chester I was a guest of James Fitz who very kindly booked me into a great apartment[……]

Raising The Betting Bar.

Raising The Betting Bar.

Topics involved in this post – The Buzz, the Trolls, the retribution, the desire, and how positivity will stomp out the negativity, together we win.   We live in a world where technology makes it easy to reach out and contact people, Skype, mobile, text, good old email, faceTime, and yet the keyboard warriors never take my calls no matter how many times I offer to call them. I give them my number and not so much as a missed call or a voicemail no text message either. I suspect it’s all a little too close for comfort for them to[……]

Grand National 2015

Grand National 2015

Races come and go, usually win or lose we don’t have to wait to long for another chance to beat the bookies. Sometimes though we have to wait a full 12 months. From my point of view races don’t bother me after the event. Usually I’ll grab the required race result information I need, ponder over a few potential new horses to follow if something has caught my eye or I watch the replay of the race if I have missed the live action. However the one race which really annoys me for the entire year is when I don’t[……]

Brand New Ratings APP Which Destroys The Racing Post

Brand New Ratings APP Which Destroys The Racing Post

Firstly let me give you the background into how this post has all come to be.I can’t really remember the exact day when I sat down to compile my first set of ratings. I’m guessing my life was a lot less hectic than it is now.Looking to those early days i still remember my racing struggle. Yes thats right, ive been through it all before as well. Success comes at a price or at the very least anything worth while should be slightly challenging or whats the point in starting something in the first place.“There would be no satisfaction if[……]

Chester Racecourse, what a trip..

Chester Racecourse, what a trip..

Today’s post is not intended to show off or anything like that, you should know by now im not the showy type, i prefer to keep my head down and simply crack on. Todays post and photo gallery is to hopefully encourage some of you to visit the racecourse on a more regular basis. Even when your away from the computer, having a great day out at the races is still a place where money can still be made as long as you prepare before you go, and if you win you don’t spend it all on champagne. The reason[……]

Back Breaking Selections

Back Breaking Selections

Im all packed im ready to go, the taxi’s waiting outside the door.. Why i hear you all ask, has the missus thrown you out..!! Well ive planned a trip a few weeks ago to visit Chester racecourse for the City Plate. You really can’t beat attending a race course and just soaking up the atmosphere. I have to admit usually on days i attend the race course its very much a social event, i do occasionally attend them by myself but these days this is very few and far between. Usually on race days im forced into looking at a races[……]