The Problem with betting

The Problem with betting

The main problem i see with betting is that it involes money, and people like money, everyone i know likes money, well nearly everyone. Perhaps we put such an emphasis on money that it holds us back when it comes to realising our ideas, or potential. In fact a lot of the time money scares the hell out of us… We are scared we don’t have enough, we are scared to lose it, we are scared when others have it and we don’t. Money as they say is a necessary evil, we can’t do much without it which is in[……]

Cinderella Betting, If the Shoe Fits

Cinderella Betting, If the Shoe Fits

Whenever we decide to sit down and check out some racing, place a few bets, maybe even just cast our eyes over the ratings or a few horses for the day. We need to realise that to evaluate any race you must have already decided what to take into consideration. Its no good just assessing each race and type in the same way, you need a little more than that. I’m sure by now you are all aware that by using the Software/Ratings that this is the starting point on your quest to finding winners or losers depending on your[……]

Three Horse Race

Three Horse Race

I had a great chat with a friend of mine regarding horses and betting yesterday. It started as a general how are you, long time no see and all that, how’s the wife the dog your athletes foot. We got onto talking about people’s expectations regarding systems racing and betting.His argument or point of view was that looking at horses history beyond a year is pointless. Why… well because he says it’s been and gone. I said ok well I agree with you to some point and for that reason within my software and personally for years I’ve looked at historic form[……]